"Low-Dose" MBSR is Highly Effective

Another study has recently been published confirming the benefits of an 8-hour version of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction.  The study by M. Klatt et al, (2012) investigated the stress reduction effects of a program for staff of a Surgical Intensive Care Unit.  The mindfulness training was given one hour a week (at shift change) for eight weeks.  In this wait-list controlled study, self-report measures of depression, anxiety, stress, and quality of sleep all improved  for the participants in the MBSR training.  Work satisfaction also increased.   At the biological level, a salivary stress marker (alpha-amylase) was reduced in the MBSR group.  The authors concluded that:

Given the nature of the job, work-related stressful events in the SICU will not change, but the resiliency tools offered via the intervention may help maintain wellness and prevent the deleterious effects of stress.
At Integrative Health Partners, Dr. Becca Meyer has been offering a four-week Mindfulness and Stress Reduction course for a couple of years.   Our experience has been that people benefit greatly, and finish the program with an interest in continuing to explore mindfulness practices.  Since the shorter program (each class is 2 hours) is more accessible as a time and financial commitment, people who would otherwise not be able to learn MBSR have a chance to develop their mindfulness practice and deal more effectively with the stresses of their lives.

MBSR-LD is a real-world mindfulness program that can be customized for businesses and for individual needs.   Our next Mindfulness and Stress Reduction Program will begin in March, 2013.  Contact Dr. Meyer for details at meyer AT integrativehealthpartners DOT org.

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