Support for Mindfulness Practice

ON THE TULIPS TOPImage by ainasa via Flickr

Many people have difficulty establishing a daily practice of meditation, or with remembering to act mindfully on a regular basis. There is a blog called 37 Days that might be able to help. This blog (by Patti Digh) grew out of the author's experience of caring for her stepfather during his last 37 days. Her resulting "vow" has taken the form of a question: "What emerged was a renewed commitment to ask myself this question every morning: 'what would I be doing today if I only had 37 days to live?'" And the practice that emerged from that question has been to write a wonderful book and blog.

A couple days ago, she started a project of encouraging her readers to commit to doing something - anything they felt was worthwhile - for 37 consecutive days. Beginning with a personal contract, she and her readers will be exploring the ins and outs of living an intentional life through one simple daily activity (like mindful breathing or mindful anything) . Today's post (day 3) has a really nice discussion of all the doubts that can derail us. It caught my attention because it resonates with all the things we think when we first try to meditate daily.

So I'm encouraging you to check out this blog, and, if you're moved to do so, join in (late starters are totally welcome). Maybe the practice of doing something with a community (as happens in our mindfulness courses) will be just right for your mindfulness practice.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Patti Digh is the one who inspired me to try 37 days of not complaining, whining, gossipping or criticizing. If I slipped, I had to start over at day 1. It took weeks to get past 2 days without a slip, but I eventually made it to 37 straight days and my life has not been the same since.